The Museum's 2017 debut exhibition was made possible through the generous support of the Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation, which also supported some of this exhibition's travel to New York City in 2019. Subsequent exhibitions and projects have been supported by the museum's host and partner institutions, grants from the Puffin Foundation, Left Tilt Fund, and several smaller grants that support the travel of the artists we work with.
In the current political and economic climate of the United States, it can be difficult to raise funds for a Museum of Capitalism. If you believe in the potential of this institution and are able to support us financially, please use the button below to make an online (Paypal) or offline (tax-deductible) donation. We’re grateful for any amount you can give.
The train of events is a train unrolling its rails ahead of itself. The river of time is a river sweeping its banks along with it. The traveller moves about on a solid floor between solid walls; but the floor and the walls are being moved along too, imperceptibly, and yet in a very lively fashion, by the movements that his fellow travellers make.
– Robert Musil
Museum of Capitalism
1675 7th Street #24738
Oakland, CA 94623